
First Date | Rin Matsuoka x Reader ( Sequel )

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KaleidoscopeCourtney's avatar

Literature Text

Tossing, turning, hugging your pillow, changing positions; it was no use. No matter what you did, you could not fall asleep. It was Saturday night, and tomorrow you were spending the day with Rin; the boy that had touched your heart.

Ever since your conversation with him that day by the pool, you two shared more words each and every time you saw one another. Whether it be at practice, through the phone, or at school when he brought Gou something of hers that she had forgotten in his dorm.

"Baka!" Rin sneered
"Thank you onii-chan~!" Gou replied.

Although you had spoken with him more during the past couple of days, you were always in the presence of others. This time, however, it was only going to be you. Alone.

Alone with Rin.

You turned to your side looking at the digital clock that sat on your nightstand. 1:48 am. Turning onto your back you put your face into your pillow. Today. You are seeing Rin, TODAY. The thought awoke the butterflies in your stomach.

What if I somehow embarrass myself? Slipping...tripping...falling. What if he doesn't like me? Awkward...shy...boring. What am I going
to wear? T-shirt...dress...long sleeve...shorts....skirt. What if he thinks i'm trying too hard? Not yourself...change...different.

You scolded yourself for worrying about these things at this hour.

Just....shut up, [Name.] Go to sleep. You can worry yourself in the morning...

That's when you heard a buzzing noise coming from your nightstand. Lowering the pillow, you looked over to see your phone lit up like a star in the night sky.

Who... would be texting me at this hour?

Leaning over you picked up your phone. Squinting at the brightness, you read the name.


Your heart sunk. Staring at your phone for what seemed like a millennium, you eventually managed to conjure up enough courage to open the message. It wrote...

"[Name]? Are you still awake? I'm sorry if I woke you. unthoughtful of me. I...I can't seem to sleep tonight..." can't sleep either?

You pondered on the thought. Is he nervous as well? Is he hugging his pillow for comfort? Are the butterflies in his stomach keeping him awake?

"Yes, Rin? You're awake too? I thought I was the only one..." you wrote back.

"I've never felt a knot so big in my stomach before... After participating in so many swimming competitions, with hundreds of people staring down at me watching my every move...every stroke...and every gasp of air I take. Not once have I felt more nervous than I do right now..." he replied.

You smiled at his sudden confession, and a sigh of relief escaped your mouth.

The thought of Rin, the tough and intimidating shark boy, getting nervous because of YOU, made you see him in a whole new light. I guess Gou was right...Rin is like an egg, and you managed to crack his shell, which let through his truest feelings and emotions for only you too see.

"I...know the feeling. Of course...not the feeling of hundreds of people watching and analyzing every move I make...but, the feeling of...the unknown, and what may come.That was almost as deep as the pacific ocean..." you tried cracking a small joke to lighten the mood.

Recalling Gou's words you said "Life comes with many just have to be willing to accept them. Take chances. Experience new things."

Typing those words made them all the more real, and 10x more truthful. You liked those words. You wanted to embrace them.

"Haha, I like this side of you, [Name]-chan. I'm...i'm glad we could share this moment together. Maybe now I can finally rest easy... and maybe you can do the same" Rin replied.

"I'm...glad as well! Now that you mention it...I am feeling a bit sleepy. /yawn."

"With that being said, I won't keep you up any longer. I'll see you tomorrow,[Name]~. Oyasumi!."

"Goodnight, Rin~" you happily wrote, feeling a warm connection with him.

"One last thing...don't worry about what to wear tomorrow. You're sure to look cute in anything! And...don't tell Gou I said that...she'll think i'm a softy or something..."

A smile crept upon your lips. "Your secret is safe with me."

You layed back in your bed, giggling into your pillow.

~~~~~~ The Next Day ~~~~~~

The golden orb in the cloudless cerulean sky shone brightly through the window of your [f/c] room. As you opened your eyes you recall the night before. The messages you and Rin exchanged. It brought a smile to your lips. You sat up, stretching your arms out and yawning. Looking at your clock it read, 9:07am.

Rin said he would be here no later than 12:00pm.

Rising up out of your bed, you walked over to your window and opened it. The crisp summer air filled your room, and the breeze lightly caressed the sheer white curtains framing your window. You took in the beautiful scene. Looking past the town, you see the sapphire ocean sparkling like never before, as if it were beckoning you to wrap yourself in its cool blue blanket. You reassured yourself that it was going to be a good day, as you made your way downstairs for breakfast.

As you began making your signature chocolate crepes, your mom entered the kitchen.

"Ohayo! Making your favorite breakfast I see!" your mom exclaimed.

"Heh...yeah. Would you like one, mom?" you asked politely.

"No, that's quite alright, I've already eaten. Have you any plans on this lovely day? Unfortunately dad and I are both working, but, as the saying goes "We don't live to work, we work to live." Isn't that right, my lovely [Name]-chan?" your mother said with a reassuring smile.

"That's right, mom. Thank you for all your hard work!" you said to her with a genuine smile.

She patted your back "Well? Are you doing anything today?" she asked again, curious.

Trying to avoid the question, you replied in a quiet voice "I...uhm...yeah. I'm spending the day with a friend..."

"Oh, that red haired girl from school? Kou?" she asked.

"It's Gou, and no not with her. With Rin..." you said nervously, not sure what your mother would say.

Unaware, your mom asked "Rin...I don't believe I've heard of her before, is she another one of your friends from school?"

You couldn't help but to laugh, as you brushed your hair behind your ear. "No...Rin is Gou's brother. A boy..."

With a surprised expression your mother said "Well, that's a rather girly name for a boy! What exactly are you doing with this boy? Not getting into any trouble I hope..."

"No, no, it's nothing like that. We're just going to get some ice cream by the beach. That's it." you promised her.

"Sounds like a date to me! My shy little [Name]-chan is blooming into a confident young woman! Spending time with boys!" exclaimed your mother with glee.

"Aish,'re embarrassing sometimes." you mumble quietly as your cheeks turned pink.

"Only because I love you, my little sakura." your mother said lovingly. "It's time for me to head out, i'm already running behind schedule. You have fun on your date! I'll see you tonight!"

"Sayonara, mom!"

Looking down at your crepes you hear the front door open and close.

A date...


After eating breakfast and cleaning your dishes, you went upstairs to get ready. After showering, shaving, applying lotion and brushing your teeth, you felt good. Refreshed! You made your way to your room with a towel on. After closing your window and curtains, you noticed your phone on your nightstand, buzzing out of control. You walked over and picked up your phone, only to see a long list of messages from your friend Gou.

"How come you didn't tell me you were seeing onii-chan today!?"
"You have to tell me these things, [Name]-chan! T-T"
"What are you going to wear?"
"I knew you liked him!"
"Where are you two going!?"

And the list continued....on....and on....

"I'm...i'm sorry Gou. You know me...I would have told you...eventually. I promise! But...but how did you find out?" you replied in a message.

Not a minute later your phone began to ring. It was Gou.

"Hi [Name]-chan! I figured I would call instead! Much easier than typing...But yes, I went to go and see onii-chan at the dorms this morning, because I needed money for lunch, and as I got to his door I heard him talking to himself! He's so strange sometimes!

The thought made you smile.

"I heard him say "Which tank top...white, grey, or blue...maybe [Name] prefers one colour better than the other...but which?..." " Gou said while trying to imitate his voice.

You laughed at your friends' silliness.

He really cares about what color of tank top he should wear? Even after he told you not to worry about what were going to wear... Cute.

"After hearing that a little excited, so I burst open his door (which he should probably lock more often), and confronted him!" Gou continued on.

~~~~~~ Gou's Point of View ~~~~~~

"I knew you liked her, onii-chan! I knew it!" you exclaimed. "Your going on a date with [Name]-chan, huh? Where are you going? The park, the beach, the movies, the market, a hotel~~!?"

"Oi! What are you doing barging into my room like that!?" Rin said, sneering. "Maybe I am going on a date, but that's none of your business! Now get out of my room before I bite your arm off!"

"Well...I hope you don't bite her arm off..." you said under your breath.

"Tch, why are you here? To pester me?" he asked in annoyance.

"I just wanted to ask you kindly for some lunch money, because onii-chan is the best!" you said with a big smile on your face.

~~~~~~ Your Point of View ~~~~~~

"And that's when he threw ¥500 at my face, and told me to get out! It was all very dramatic! I don't blame onii-chan for being upset though, I shouldn't have intruded on his privacy... However, I still uncovered the truth!" Gou said proudly.

You giggled at Gou's story telling. "Oh...then I guess it all makes sense now. Again...i'm sorry for not telling you sooner..." you said, feeling guilty.

"That's alright, [Name]-chan. I'm always here for you, don't you forget that!" Gou said happily.

"Thanks, Gou. You're the best!" you exclaimed. "I'll tell you everything from now on!"

"Don't mention it! With that being cleared up, you have a date to get ready for! Have fun~! I'll be cheering for you and Rin! Goodbye!~"

You began to blush. "That means alot to me. Thanks again, Gou! Talk to you soon~!"

As you put down your phone, the reality set in that Rin was going to be at your house to meet with you in less than 2 hours. The thought made you nervous, were excited!

You looked through your closet in search of the perfect outfit for the day. In the end, you chose your favorite peter pan collar dress, in [f/c] of course, as you knew it was going to be a warm day. Along with a pair of flats to compliment your dress. You decided you would put on a soft, light layer of makeup for a natural look, and style your hair [f/h] to complete your outfit.

Walking up to your full length mirror, you examined yourself. To your delight, you looked like your regular self, with...a little more confidence. As you peered at your outfit you recalled Rin's words.

One last thing...don't worry about what to wear tomorrow. You're sure to look cute in anything!

You smiled, and went downstairs.


With an hour to spare you read a book to past the time. 50 minutes...40 minutes...30 minutes...20 minutes... As the time passed you became more anxious. 10 minutes. Staring at the clock, you watched the fingers tick second by second. 5 minutes. He'll be here soon...



The sudden ding of the door bell caused you to jump.

"Wah!" you exclaimed as you sprung up from your couch.

You turned and looked down the hall at the front door.

T-that must be him...Rin.

You took a deep breath, and walked for the door while putting on your small shoulder purse.

Reaching the door, you outstretched your hand, grabbing hold of the door knob. You turned it to the right, and pulled.

Opening the door you open your mouth, but no words came out when realized no one was there. Standing there dumbfounded, you thought maybe it was just some kids playing a prank. As you began to turn to go back inside, you heard a loud "RAWR!" erupt from behind you.

You jumped and let out a little yelp, as you pulled your arms and hands in towards your body.


"Hi [Name]-chan! Sorry, did I scare you?" Rin asked as he stepped out from beside the door.

You turned your body, putting your arms down, and looked at Rin who was smirking at you playfully. He wore a grey tank top, fitting black jeans with a belt loosely hanging around his waist, red high tops, and a black hoodie with the hood resting partly on his head.

"That's so like you, Rin!" you pouted as your cheeks became red. "A simple hello would have sufficed!"

Rin stood looking at you for a moment. "Cute..." he said quietly, while smiling at you with his shark-like grin.

Your expression softened, and you let out a small laugh.

"Aye, you're not getting away with scaring me that easily...sharkie." you said as you lightly punched his arm and turned to lock the door of your home.

"Owh, hurtful!" he said laughing at your playfulness while rubbing his arm.

You locked your door, and turned around only to make sudden eye contact with Rin. He looked into your [e/c] eyes, making you feel vulnerable. Making your heart beat faster by the second. You weren't expecting it so suddenly, but you couldn't bear to look away. You were lost in those shining magenta gemstones. It's almost as if someone had cast a magical spell on you two. Paralyzed. Mesmerized.

The spell eventually wore off, and you averted your eyes. Rin blinked harshly and let out a light-hearted laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. You giggled nervously and bit your bottom lip.

After a long pause, you felt something warm take your hand. Surprised by the contact, you looked up to see a glowing Rin, smiling at you, with your hand in his.

Your breath had been stolen from you, your words were held prisoner, your knee's gave way, and time had stopped. The only person that mattered in that moment, was standing right in front of you. Rin Matsuoka.

And that was when his alluring voice pulled you out of your dream.

"Are you ready for our adventure?" Rin asked playfully.

You smiled in content. "Ready when you are!"


Holding hands, you and Rin made your way down the town's streets toward the ocean. You were both eager to reach the calm azure waters, and feel the soft warm sands slither between your toes. It was a beautiful day, and you both wanted to make the best of it. You took a moment to enjoy your surroundings as you strolled down the sidewalks. It has been a while since you explored the town last. You wanted to appreciate it more, and now that you were with Rin, you could. You loved the feeling of the gentle summer breeze stroking your face, the scent of flowers blossoming around you, the sounds of children playing and the bustling of the nearby market. It reminded you of your childhood. Nostalgic.

As you walked down the winding paths, you spoke with Rin. Asking questions, and getting to know each other better.

Rin asked with interest "What are your hobbies, [Name]? What do you like to do in your spare time?"

You pondered. "Hmm...I like to read, draw, take photos... Oh! and play video games!"

"Videos games, huh? Are you good at them?" he smirked.

"I consider myself to be quite skilled in the field, actually!" you exclaimed proudly.

"Hmm..." Rin mumbled, while raising an eyebrow. "I guess I will have to take you up on that sometime!"  

Laughing you said "Defeat is something I am quite unfamiliar with in the video game realm."

"Then maybe it's time I introduced you to defeat..." Rin said mischievously.

"Is that a threat...or a promise?" you asked, feeling slightly offended.

He looked at you with a devilish grin "Both."

You looked back at him intently. "Challenge accepted."

After a long silence, you both broke into laughter, not able to uphold the "seriousness."

"I suppose it's my turn to ask you something now! Hmm..." you thought. "Why did you start swimming, Rin?"

Lowering his head, and responding in a quiet tone he said,  "I...I want to make my father proud...that's why I swim."

"Oh...d-does your father swim too?" you asked, becoming nervous seeing a change in Rin's behavior.

"My father died when I was young in a fishing accident. His dream was to be an Olympic swimmer...that's why I aspire to be one aswell. Maybe then i'll be able to see my father's face again... I can barely even recall what he looks like." Rin said with sadness in his voice.

"I'm...i'm so sorry, Rin. I h-had no idea." you felt guilty for bringing the topic up. "I...I know I haven't been around long...but, from what I've seen, and what I've heard...I know you can do it. You're a fantastic swimmer. Your father would be proud of how much you have accomplished so far." you assured him.

He looked at you with a genuine smile on his face. "Thank you, [Name.] Your words mean a lot to me."

Normally, you weren't the one to comfort others. You didn't think anyone would find comfort in your words. After all, you were just a shy girl, who rarely left the house, except for when attending school or picking up groceries for your parents. However, being able to bring a smile to Rin's face, just by saying a few thoughtful words, brought you joy. You were happy that you were able to uplift the spirit of friend...a loved one. Something that you never thought you would be able to do, until you came to Iwatobi. Gou, Haru, Makoto, Nagisa, Rei, and Rin...showed you the meaning of friendship and loyalty. Even though you were a stranger to them, they welcomed you with open arms, and for this, you were truly grateful.

You intertwined your hand with his, "I...I believe in you, Rin." you said as your cheeks turned pink.

Rin's eyes widened, surprised by your act of affection.

"The way your hands carve an opening into the water with ease, and the way you slide your body through that opening...moving your arms, head, chest, legs... you seem to soar through the water as if you were weightless. It makes me wonder... " you trailed off.

"About?" he said asked quietly, seemingly flattered.

"...Are you part shark? Are you hiding a dorsal fin somewhere!?" you exclaimed as your eyes lit up.

Rin laughed. "Well if I am... then I guess that would mean your swimming with sharks, [Name]-chan." he said, giving you a sly wink.

Giggling at his wink, you said "Luckily for you, i'm not the least bit scared of sharks!"

"Then let's go, little one!" he said, pulling you forward, and running with you into the blue horizon.


Reaching the beach, you and Rin took off your shoes, and walked down the shoreline. Together, you embraced the scene with sparkles in your eyes, feeling the warmth of the sand beneath your feet. You watched as the smooth waves flowed back and forth in perfect rhythm against the shore. Looking up to the sky, shielding your eyes from the golden rays, you watched the summer birds glide through the air. Playfully, hands intertwined, you and Rin swung your arms forward and back, enjoying your time with one another. You looked over your shoulder to see a trail of footprints imprinted into the sand, walking side by side. The sight made you smile.

Taken by surprise, a larger wave reached the shoreline, immersing your feet in its cold grasp. Hopping back, you evaded its chilled touch, only to bump into Rin. Loosing your footing, you grabbed onto Rin's arms. Reacting quickly, Rin had grabbed onto your sides, preventing you from falling. You looked at him in awe, as he stood you back on your feet, still holding your waist.

As your hands remained held onto his arms, you felt your cheeks begin to burn. "T-thank you, Rin..." you said, embarrassed by the situation.

He smiled at you. "Don't mention it [Name]-chan, but I have to wonder...if you were alone, who would be there to save you in a sudden shark attack?"

At that moment, Rin had slid his hands around your waist, pulling you into a sudden embrace.

You went numb; your body paralyzed by the immediate contact. You had never been as close to Rin as you were now, feeling the warmth radiate from his body. The warmth that enveloped you in his embrace... made you As if nothing could harm you. This new feeling brought you comfort. As long as you were in his arms, you knew you would be protected.

Raising an eyebrow he looked into your [e/c] eyes, and asked "Well?"

Giving into his embrace, you stood on your tippy toes, and wrapped your arms around his neck.

"I don't want to be saved from this shark" you said with a soft smile.

Seeing you become comfortable with him, made him grin from cheek to cheek. "You're a brave one, [Name]. Say, how about we go and grab that ice cream now? This shark could use a bite."

You giggled. "I would love to!"

Slowly releasing you from his embrace, Rin said "Let's go retrieve our shoes first. Race you there!"

That's when Rin began to sprint down the shoreline. Motioning for you to race him.

"Aye, no fair! You got a head start! Not to mention your an athlete with superb stamina!" you exclaimed as you chased after him.


After catching up to Rin, you both made your way down the beach and onto the boardwalk. Walking together, you came across the ice cream stall.

"What flavor are you going to get, [Name]-chan? I think i'll get..." he rubbed his chin, "strawberry!"

"Hmm...chocolate? Mint chocolate? Vanilla? Cookie dough? Green tea? They all taste good!" you said excitedly.

"Why not get them all?" he asked you jokingly.

"Unfortunately, I don't think I have a large enough stomach, otherwise I definitely would!" you laughed. "I'll go with chocolate."

You reached down for your purse, before you were stopped by Rin placing his hand on your shoulder.

Smiling at you, he said "Don't worry about it." offering to buy your ice cream.

"Thank you, Rin, you're too kind, really you are!" you said, blushing at his courtesy.

You watched as he purchased the ice cream, and brought you your cone. Picking out a picnic bench nearby, together you sat down, facing one another. As you both enjoyed the cool, sweet taste of ice cream on a hot summer day, you talked about the little things running through your minds.

"Is this your, [Name]?" Rin asked out of interest.

You brushed your hair behind you ear. "Uhm, yeah...I guess it is" you said with a quiet giggle. "My first date...with the one and only Rin Matsuoka. How did I ever get so lucky?"

Rin rubbed the back of his neck, flattered by your compliment. "Aish, you're the lucky one? I've...I've never met someone who makes me feel as happy, as alive, as you do. I never thought I would find the right person....and then you found me. Well...walked into me."

He laughed as he recalled the first time you and him met in the halls of Iwatobi High School.

"Even after I intimidated you, on our first encounter, you still took a chance on me. For that...I consider myself lucky."

You giggled happily at his compliment.

"I admit, you scared me at first," you said light-heartedly "but, there was just something about you that made me curious. I wanted to know more about you, and...that's why I went to the swim meet that day, and that's why i'm here now, because on that day, Rin Matsuoka, the professional swimmer, the captain of the swim team, the boy with many loyal friends at his side...and the boy with a body that would make every girl swoon... asked this shy, insecure, curious girl out on an ice cream date. If that isn't luck...I don't know what is."

Letting out a small laugh, flattered, he simply said "I suppose luck was on both of our sides!"

"Then I guess that would makes us even!" you exclaimed.

Sliding his hand across the table and intertwining his hand with yours, he said, "You're beautiful, [Name.] Thank you for spending this day with me."

Your eyes widened at his compliment and you felt your cheeks turn as pink as Rin's ice cream.

I'm beautiful?

"There's no need to thank me, Rin, I wanted to spend it with you and...I wouldn't have spent it any other way" you said looking into his glistening magenta orbs.

As the sun kissed your skin, and the oceans' waves hummed in the distance, you enjoyed each other's company. You savored every sweet bite of ice cream, as you savored every moment you had with Rin.

Finishing his ice cream cone, Rin said "Now that this shark has had his fill, I think it's time he and his little starfish make the best out of the day he has left with her."

You giggled at his nickname for you. "Starfish. Why starfish?"

"Starfish; because your eyes shine brighter than that of the biggest and brightest star in a night sky, illuminating even the darkest of the ocean's waters" he said with an alluring smile.


You smiled and joyfully jumped out of your seat. "This starfish would be more than happy to spend the rest of the day you, sharkie!"

Standing up, Rin pulled you into a warm hug, resting his chin softly upon your shoulder.

"Then let's make the best of it" he said quietly into your ear.
Hello~! This is the sequel to my first fan fiction "A New Feeling." You can read it here!

I recommended reading it first before reading this one to avoid any confusion :3

By no means am I a professional writer, I just write these when feeling inspired.

Thank you~ :huggle:

- Courtney
© 2015 - 2024 KaleidoscopeCourtney
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Lovely-Baka's avatar
*___* kyaaaaaa!! That was so cute!! Really, I'm in love with it!! Thank you :D